Bonding decisions are based on a contractor's character, experience, and financial strength. Sureties should insist that construction clients have a CFO on staff that holds the CCIFP designation because a certified financial management designation for the construction industry means they:
- Pledge to the highest ethical standards
- Have met professional and educational experience requirements
- Have shown competence in eight domain knowledge areas required of a CCIFP
The Grant Thornton LLP survey of Surety Bond Producers* cites having a CCIFP as an important criteria:
- Seven out of 10 bond producer participants cited having construction clients with a financial professional on staff with industry experience as an important criteria for obtaining surety credit.
- NASBP has also included the question on their model contractor questionnaire.
* Excerpt from Grant Thornton LLP’s “2007 Surety Credit Survey for Construction Contractors: The Bond Producer’s Perspective"